1. We do allow some purchases that are in high dollar amounts to be purchased and paid for over a set period of time. This allows our customers to make purchases of items that are expensive and not within their normal purchasing budget. Please see the following rules concerning this option offer.
  2. The decision to offer this is totally at our discretion. Consideration is based on such things as the size of the purchase, the length of time you need to complete purchase, and our familiarity with you as our customer. Normally we do not charge any interest but we reserve the option to do so under certain circumstances; this will always be established when the initial agreement is set.
  3. The specimen(s) will remain in our possession until final payment,( including shipping fees), have been made. A minimum of 10% of total purchase must be paid as a down payment to initiate the layaway agreement. This amount is nonrefundable. Total purchase will be divided into equal payments for the set amount of months. Shipping fees will be added to last payment.
  4. “Important Facts”
    1. Length of time for payments will be set, and must be met within the allotted time frame agreed upon at the initial time of purchase.
    2. We will require most all agreements to be no more than 3  months.
  5. “Important Facts”
    1. A payment in the agreed amount MUST be received each consecutive month to keep the account active.
    2. If customer fails to make full payments for two consecutive months, or notifies us of his decision not to make the purchase, then $100 or 10% of total purchase, whichever is larger, will be forfeited and balance (if any) of payments made will be returned to the buyer.
    3. When we agree to offer this option to you, our merchandise is removed off of our website,( for sale to you), and we are not charging interest on this money as we are waiting for payments. The $100.00 or 10% of purchase is our compensation should you fail to honor your commitment.
  6. Notice will be sent to notify you should you forget to make a monthly payment, as we understand this payment could slip your mind. However if we are unable to reach you and we have no contact or payments from you for two consecutive months, then we will cancel agreement at that time, deduct our compensation, and the merchandise will be put back up for sell.
  7. If we have had to cancel a layaway agreement with a customer, then that customer will not be eligible to be  considered for this option on future purchases.